I value reading and seeking new knowledge while at the same, enjoy sharing that information with others. Growth never stops but with wisdom it finds depth in the process and outcome. History, Literature, Economics and Health are my forte. Together with many years of research in legal and the medical areas my financial services and real estate background enhance the substance the in every piece of my writing.
An article you will enjoy reading is https://medium.com/exploring-wellness/when-is-the-best-time-to-eat-a-banana-3fb9793e0d32
I am the author and illustrator of the following books:
"The Yellow Star Shines like a Candle in the Dark" https://www.amazon.com/Yellow-Star-Shines-Like-Candle-ebook/dp/B01J8Z35OA/ref=sr_1_1?crid=L6QD4A0KXAHE&keywords=The+yellow+star+shines+like+a+candle+in+the+dark&qid=1645112837&sprefix=the+yellow+star+shines+like+a+candle+in+the+dark%2Caps%2C54&sr=8-1